
Whats Been Happening At Aberfeldy?

The children have been helping to make new cages for our animals. They have made a new chicken coop and a rabbit hutch and are making improvements to our guinea pig cages as our guinea pigs have had babies. The students have also helped put together a cupbaord for our art supplies.

​Our Outdoor learning area is nearly completed after a massive community working bee. A huge thank you to the companies that donated products and services to help us with our raised garden area (see below), we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without your support!

NEWSLETTERS: Newsletters are sent home most weeks with students and these are also emailed to parents on our mailing list and available on the school website.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB ORDERS: Children bring home Scholastic Book Club brochures each Term. Orders can be done on line through the Scholastic Book Club Loop – or they can be sent along to school with payment, due in by the date in the newsletters.

SWIMMING: Children swim every day in the summer months in our school pool and we often make use of the Splash Centre and teh Wanganui East Pools.

Newsletter 21st October 2022

Hi everyone, Newsletter attached. Remember there is no school on Monday. Have a great long weekend. Aberfeldy School Newsletter 21st October 2022.pdf

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Hi all, Just a quick newsletter to remind you of our Teacher Only day next Friday and the Public Holiday on the following monday. Have

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Newsletter 12th August 2022

Hi everyone, Newsletter attached with a permission slip. The permission slip can be done on the Skool Loop app. Aberfeldy School Newsletter 12th August 2022.pdf

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1st July newsletter

Hi everyone, Please find attached newsletter with some important information re the Board of Trustees elections. Aberfeldy School Newsletter 1st July 2022.pdf

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